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ITL fájl kiterjesztés

iTunes Library Fájl

Kategória: Adat
Ismertető: Database used by iTunes to organize files in the
iTunes music library; contains a list of songs in the library, playlists
created by the user, song ratings, and comments.

In Windows, the iTunes library file is saved in the following location:
\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes

On the Mac, the iTunes library file is saved in:
/Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library

Notice that the Mac version of the iTunes library file does not include
the ".itl" file extension; however, both the Mac and Windows versions of
iTunes save a related file called "iTunes Music Library.xml" in the same
directory; this file makes the music and playlists available to other
applications (such as iPhoto and iMovie on the Mac).

If the iTunes library file is deleted, iTunes can recreate it by
searching for songs in the Music folder; however, all playlists, song
ratings, and comments will be lost.