A nap fájlkiterjesztése:
LST fájl kiterjesztés
Data List
Kategória: | Szöveges |
Ismertető: |
Contains a listing of various types of information; used by many kinds of programs; may be exported from a spreadsheet or database program or may include a list of files to be installed by a software installer. LST files are typically plain text files, which can be viewed and edited with a text editor; if the file will not open in a text editor, it is most likely saved in a binary format that can only be opened by the program that created the file. |
LST fájl kiterjesztés
FoxPro Documenting Wizard List
Kategória: | Szöveges |
Ismertető: |
Report generated by the FoxPro Documenting Wizard; "Xref.lst" lists all user-defined symbols, "Files.lst" lists all files in the project, "project.lst" puts all formatted code in a single file, "Tree.lst" shows the procedure calling tree |