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PSP fájl kiterjesztés

Paint Shop Pro Image Fájl

Kategória: Kép
Ismertető: Color bitmap image saved in the native Paint Shop Pro
format; may include layers, guides, vector paths, metadata, and other
objects within the image file.

Paint Shop Pro, often referred to as "PSP," is a similar program to
Adobe Photoshop (which uses the .PSD </extension/psd> format); it
includes many features that Photoshop does, but is offered at a lower
price point; therefore, it is often compared to Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Paint Shop Pro was developed by Jasc Software for many years until it
was acquired by Corel in 2004; there is no Macintosh version of Paint
Shop Pro.

PSP fájl kiterjesztés

PL/SQL Server Page

Kategória: Webes
Ismertető: Web page that contains code written in the Procedural
Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL); includes SQL
<> database commands that use
Oracle's proprietary PL/SQL syntax; used for dynamically accessing
database information when generating Web page content.

PSP pages can be viewed in a Web browser; however the user will only see
the content generated by the server, not the actual PL/SQL code.