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SCM fájl kiterjesztés

Schema Fájl

Kategória: Szöveges
Ismertető: Descriptor file that describes another document, such
as an XML <> file; typically
specifies the structure and formatting of the document as well as what
type of data it can contain.

SCM files are often found on Unix systems but may be used on other
platforms as well; other types of XML schema files include Document Type
Definition (.DTD </extension/dtd>) files and W3C XML Schema (.XSD
</extension/xsd>) files.

SCM fájl kiterjesztés

ScreenCam Screen Recording

Kategória: Videó
Ismertető: PC screen recording created using ScreenCam screen
capture software; acts as a "screen camcorder" that records the exact
activity displayed on the screen of a Windows computer; can be streamed
<> using StreamCam software.

ScreenCam was originally developed by IBM Lotus and is now owned by

SCM fájl kiterjesztés

Super Chain Media Fájl

Kategória: Videó
Ismertető: Audio or video file encoded with the SCM codec;
includes digital copyright protection DRM
<>, which guarantees the valid
transmission of media over the Internet; developed by SuperMV, an audio
and video interactive research company.

SCM files can be played in various media players if the SuperMV SCM
codec is installed.

SCM fájl kiterjesztés

StarCraft Map Fájl

Kategória: Játék
Ismertető: Game map used by StarCraft, a real-time strategy game
by Blizzard Entertainment; includes various types of terrain and
resources; may be created in different sizes, including 96x96, 128x128,
192x192, and 256x256.

Many maps are included with StarCraft for both solo campaigns and
multi-player games; custom maps may also be created using the Map Editor.